How it works

Shopping on YOUBUYME is convenient, easy and always free.

YOUBUYME is not just an e-commerce platform, but a live support for your online shopping to be used whenever, wherever you want.


Start searching on YOUBUYME

Just type the product you are looking for in the search bar.

The platform analyses and interprets your request, with some simple questions, and then sends it to the Shopping Assistant capable of fulfilling it.


We put you in touch with the right Shopping Assistant

Shopping Assistant, carefully selected by YOUBUYME, advise and guide you in choosing the perfect product.

Just like you were in their shop!


Talk with the retailers through chat or videocall

You can exchange messages, photos, videos or initiate a video call using any device.


Your purchase is secure, guaranteed by YOUBUYME

If you find the product you are looking for you will be able to buy it fast, like as you would at the store.

Transactions and shipping will be guaranteed by YOUBUYME. If you are satisfied, we will transfer your payment to the Shopping Assistant after 14 days.


Purchase complete!

You will receive your product anywhere you want. You will have 14 days to change your mind.

YOUBUYME's mission is to make sure you have the best experience before, during and after your purchase. That's why we will always be there for you even after your purchase.

What are you waiting for? Try YOUBUYME now!

Search for a product or need that interests you.
We put you in touch with the right Shopping Assistant!

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